Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Missing OCAC

Guys, I don't think I've felt this sad in a long, long time. As OCAC ended, i realized how attached I had grown the to the college and the other 169 kids in the program. I didn't realize it during the 6 weeks I was there, but, in those 6 weeks, those people became like family to me. It didn't really hit me that I might never see these people again until the last week I was there. I made some friends that I would consider calling a "best friend" and just knowing that I may never be able to visit them because they live in Italy or Germany is a really depressing thought.

I'm actually glad that nobody I knew from home was there on the last day, because they would've seen me bawl like a baby. I don't think I've cried that hard since...grade school maybe. But, my mom says it was a good experience to know how it feels like to leave behind friends. ( i think she's just very...cynical).

But, i'll definitely keep in touch with them and I'll never forget all the good times we had. Maybe, i'll go to Rome sometime and visit Sean, or maybe Berlin/Hamburg to visit Sylvia and Kilian. :]

OR, maybe they could come to america and visit me :D

Just had to get that out.

That was a pretty boring blog post.


i want to go back next year :D

As we were leaving and everyone was in tears, my counselor told me "Amy, you were my favorite student." At least, that's what I heard between sobs. lol.

i was so touched, i think i cried even harder. haha.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Sorry, it's been a really long while guys. It's just so hectic here because it's the last week and everybody's trying to spend as much time with eachother as possible. I'm going to be really sad to see these people go because i know i probably won't be able to visit any, except the ones in the states ( and chances are still slim for those).

oh yeah, congratulations ryan on the anniversary and love, etc. and bryan, it's ok to advertise movies. and wth is a spiderpig?

oh, even more exciting. i got a haircut and i got bangs because that's what the stylist recommended. i really liked it at first, but a couple hours later, i regreted it like no other. ugh.

i'm hoping they'll grow back before i come back. lol


i haven't started my summer reading. kill me now.

i miss you guys.


Friday, July 20, 2007

School life

*sigh* well, i just got back from getting in trouble cuz my friends and i went to the boy's dorm to beat up this kid lol. cuz he pranked called our room and pretended to be a counselor and told us to go downstairs. (only one of us went, poor Gillian). The worst thing is that we're on the 6th floor and there're no elevators. So, Gillian had to walk down 6 flights of steps and then come back up (as if we don't already do that enough during the day as it is).

I hope the couselor's kill him.

Oh yeah, sorry for the lack of updates, i've been real busy (i've made friends with the Italian kids BTW :D )

The classes are pretty hard here. Like, kung fu is hard because it's hard to remember all the movements and u have to be precise, so yeah. Volleyball is so intense too, i sweat up a storm. and my arms are so purple. it's like military camp ugh.

my roommate just shut off all the lights, darn her.

so yeah, the classes are hard here, but overall i like it :D ill miss everyone when this ends. :[

i really need to start my summer reading though.

but, i need all my free time to practice the harmonica and study my notes! (chinese is extremely hard to memorize, ugh)

well,my roommate is being annoying, so ill ttyl.



Monday, July 9, 2007


ok, if u guys want to know what i chose as my classes, here's the list:

1) Taiwanese
3)Volleyball (it was a close call between volleyball or pingpong)


First day

hehe, today's my first day at the university. we're currently in one of the campus buildings and in the computer labs. we're supposed to be signing up for our electives right now but, they're having some technical difficulties.

tell me, should i sign up for calligraphy, chinese knots, kung-fu, pressed flowers, puppet shows, or shiatsu? (i don't even know what shiatsu is)

i think i'm going to sign up for kung-fu :D

So yeah, it's alright here. there's a whole lot of kids, like, from all over the place. there are french kids, german, chinese, australian, american, and italian, and etc.

we've already formed little groups too lol.

btw, for those who wanted to know, my roommates are pretty cool. One is Gillian, she's 14 and she lives in New York.

2nd, Tiffany, she's 15 and is my age and i forget where she lives, but it's it's in america lol. (i haven't talked to her much, but i know she does Tai Kwon Do)

Note to self: do not get into a fight with Tiffany. lol

Lastly, my oldest roommate is Sylvia and she's 17 and from germany i think. so her english isn't that good. we talk to her in chinese.

i think the italian kids hate us. lol.

i got top bunk XD

it's a huuuuuuge campus. i lost like 3 pounds from walking back and forth from the different buildings. lol

well, we're about to get busy with the signing up and etc. so i'm gonna leave u guys now before i get in trouble.


i miss u guys.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Hey everyone :]

It's 12 in the afternoon and i'm staying at the Evergreen hotel right now (concert's tonight). Yesterday, all the singers' kids came, so it was really fun because we're all relatively close in age :D

i'm getting ready to go swimming after i type up this blog (it's an outdoor pool). my mom refuses to go with me because she doesn't want people to see her belly fat. urgh, she makes me angry.

I can't say that i have anything interesting to say. Well, actually, there is. But, it's not something that i want to write in my blog lol.

Happy belated July 4th! i hope u all had fun, cuz it's not celebrated here. i was like "happy july 4th!"

People: what?


i gained weight because all the food here is just too tempting :3

The other day, i knocked this old guy off his bike. it was an accident because i turned left and didn't look and ran into his bike as he was riding. I didn't get hurt, but he fell off his bike. oh man, he was so angry. vicious elderly men live in Taiwan, beware.

i also had a dream about a bunny singing acapella.

it was odd.

anyway, i can't think of anything else to say, so i'll go swim now lol.

Have fun in the sun :D

i miss you guys.

Leave comments, or else.


(o. o)

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well guys, today was my mom's concert (7:30 PM). During the day (before the concert), I hung out with my cousin (4 months older than me). We rode around the city on her Vesba (looks it up if you're confused).

We got lost like 219742739295 times and spent about 2 hours trying to get back on the right road lol. Consequence of lacking a sense of direction. We had to ask like 283 strangers for directions haha.

When we finally got to the mall (Sogo), we watched Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was in English with Chinese subtitiles. I listened, while she read. lol. it was a great movie though. I love the part where Susan dies :D

Then we ate Shabu Shabu! My favorite :]

I paid though :[ (we fought over who would pay, much like middle aged adults do) I won.

BTW, we're both the same height. XD

We did some other stuff, but it's not interesting enough for me to write another 2839 sentences about.

My mom's concert was alright; it's incredibly boring backstage. Then my mom was in a bad mood and just kept yelling at me. Jerk.

The little kids (other singers' children) keep pestering me. Brats.

I only like one; he's chubby and giggles a lot lol.

I fixed my Ipod. Thank all the gods.


I'm going to another city tomorrow for another concert, may not be able to update till i get to the new hotel.

Cya laterzzzz (my cousin's coming with us, yay!) ill try to take pictures and post them up.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Been a while :D

Hehe, like i said in my comment, sorry for the blog neglect because my mom and I have been real busy lately with rehearsals and such ( I just sit there and read The Glory Field >:O ). I'm currently at a hotel near the concert stadium place, since my mom's concerts are tomorrow and the day after. I can't seem to get in contact with my cousin, so I feel lonely because my mom's too busy to talk to me grr. Btw, I got food poisoning today. lol. i get it pretty often. Maybe i shouldn't have eaten that soggy green stuff...

Oh yeah, did i tell you guys that I bought another 10 pairs of pants!? It's craaaaazy. lol.

Hey hey, i've been waking up at like 6 AM for the past week to go swimming in the mornings lol. After all that work, i BETTER grow taller.

I went to the hospital the other day to get blood tests done to see my blood type (I'm blood type A if you're wondering) and test to see what I'm allergic to. Next week, they're going to send me a list of what I'm allergic to; i hope it's not like 10 pages long lol. But omg, they took like 2 bottles of blood with this big big needle, it was so incredibly painful.

You see, when i walked up to the lady who was in charge of sticking the needle in you and sucking out your blood, i noticed that she didn't change her gloves. So i was like "Could you change your gloves before you take my blood?"

She was like "But, they're still clean."

Amy: you just typed on your keyboard, ran your hands through your hair, and wrote with that pen. Your hands are dirty.

Her: *gets a little angry, but changes her gloves*

Ok, maybe i shouldn't have made her angry since you know, she's the one that's going to be sticking that big needle into my arm and all...

So, she stuck the needle in my arm and it was extra painful and twisted it around some. It hurt like an obese woman stepping on your foot. that evil old hag. my arm was sore for like 2 days.

i also had a little chat with the doctor and when he asked me all the things i was allergic to, i answered him. and you know what he said to me "Are you sure you aren't imagining it?" omg, i was so angry. why would i imagine itchy hives and a swollen larynx? He also told me that i would probably grow only 3 more centimeters. urgh! must.grow.more.

worst of all, my ipod broke! I used it in the morning and then shut it off and went shopping. When i came back, i tried to turn it on and it stayed off. I tried plugging it into the computer and recharging it with the dock, but nothing works. urgh. how could u!? now my ears are ringing with silence....

I have to get it fixed. or get a new one...though that would be my third. lol

or i could get that cool looking mp3 player that was shaped like an egg....

well, i can't think of anything else i feel like talking about except erm...i miss you guys because i have no friends here...except for my mother and that sounds terribly pathetic.

my shoulders are sore.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cafe (with the little accent on the e)

hey everyone, i'm at this internet cafe (accent!). It took me like 2 hours to get the internet card thing to work, or else i would've been on at 8 AM (ur 8PM). Then, i finally get on and nobody's on! (well, except Julie lol). Grr.

So yeah, my mom woke me up at 5 AM (5 AM!) to go swimming. I was like "the sun's not even up!" But i think it's cheaper to swim from 5:30 - 7:30 AM (it's like a dollar lol). So i was like "urgo..." and then i get there and it's full of old ppl!

I'm minding my own business in the water, doing my strokes. Then, all of a sudden, the old people start beating me up! The one lady, elbowed me, and as I'm about to get back up, this old guy kicks me as he's swimming by, then this lady whacks during her Butterfly stroke. Then, they wonder why i'm so angry and yelling by the time i get back up for air~!

have i mentioned, all chinese ppl have "american senses" ? lol

it's like, u walk into a store and they all turn and are like "are you american?" it's pretty creepy.

So yeah, i was talking to this girl the other day:

Her: hi, my names ______ (i forgot her name...).
Amy: Hi, I'm amy.
Her: *asks all these questions*
Amy: *answers with ease*

then all of a sudden...

Her: blah blah blah WAIT.
Amy: what?
Her: you understand chinese? cuz ur American and all...
Mom: *whack* Apologize.
Amy: but that was such a stupid--
Amy: *grumble*sorry*grumble*

urgh, made me so angry.

anyway, i have to go soon, so TTFN. :D

Oh yeah, don't forget to comment !

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Hey guys, I'm super angry that the first post came up last time, cuz it made me type the 2nd one for nothing urgh!

Well, i left my aunt's spa resort place and met up with my cousin who just had her baby (he's super chubby). lol. We shopped for a bit and then we went to eat Shabu Shabu (you all get your own pot and u just cook ur own food in it, pretty tasty).

The funny part was that when we were eating, the baby (Dion, I think that was his name), took this really big ladle (or spoon) and started beating this middle aged lady that was sitting behind us. omg, it was hilarious. The lady was so angry haha

So yeah, right now, me and my mom are at this band's house (my mom knows them) and they're all practicing. I'm in one of the bandmate's son's room cuz he has 2 computers and is letting me use one.

It actually feels pretty awkward cuz we're like 2 feet away from eachother and he's like in his 20's. I hope he's not reading what I'm typing (or at least, i hope he doesn't understand english lol) But, he's pretty nice.

I bought 10 pairs of pants the other day, i think my mother is rubbing off on me lol

have i mentioned that I'm super angry at blogspot for making me post the same (almost) blog twice?!


anyway, leave comments :]

or email me if u know my email lol

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Ugh, im so angry. This is my second time typing up this blog cuz for some reason it didn't post the first time . so now, i have to type the entire thing over (pain in the butt much?)

so yeah, i'm at my aunt's spa resort right now, it's really nice.

I had to fiddle with their internet like 328320 times until i finally got it to work on my computer though. so i didn't get to come on as early as i wanted to. it's currently like 8:30 PM here and 8:30 AM for you guys and the only person i talk to that's on is Kady.

there's lots of stray dogs in taiwan btw. ( i think i just saw the same one walk by for trhe 29th time lol)

so anyway, im trying to figure out what i said in my first post (which didn't go up ugh!).

I got new glasses! i'm also getting my old one fixed up so i have to wear these cheapo contacts and my eyes are superdry and irritated lol.

im also having a problem with shopping. i just can't seem to stop myself. everything is nifty and all the clothing are my size! im just like "hubba....i must have it...." so yeah. it's extra hard trying to get souvenirs cuz i want to keep everything to myself.

btw, there's this lady looking over my shoulder at me and she just walked away now so im able to tell u guys without her knowing.

the automatic doors here open way too slow (i smacked into one already lol)

anyway, my mom's telling me to go upstairs so i better hurry and tell u the story of what happened at this restaurant i went to today:

i was eating (with my aunt and mom) and this stray dog walked in. but everyone knew that dog so it was alright. but i was eating and it suddenly came up and put its head on my lap, it was really cute. well, the moment was nice up until my mom said "Watch out, it might bite ur leg off, that's what happened to my friend."

thanks mom.


so yeah, i have to go. talk to u guys later :]

btw, i saw 2 naked boys today. they just walked into the resort in all their naked glory, paid, and jumped into the spa. i was like "wth..." i'm trying to forget the mental image.

ok, that's it

leave comments!


To Ryan: it's the body builder aunt that i'm talking about.


I'm currently at my aunt's spa resort thing. It's actually pretty nice here (there's AC and internet!).

So anyway, my eyes are super dry cuz im wearing cheap contacts lol. I got lots of stuff, but no souvenirs yet (sorry guys). cuz i want to keep everything i buy to myself.

my aunt is super annoying and kind of cool at the same kind (to ryan: it's the body builder one). i mean, one moment she's telling me to go learn my chinese (cuz i can't read or write it, well i can to a certain degree) and making fun of my illiterateness. so that's pretty aggravating, but then again, she buys me some stuff and tells my mom to stop nagging me (thank god) lol.

well, i got new glasses. i like them, but they're kind of pinkish? oh well, i still like them, even if they didn't have black like i wanted.

so yeah, i gotten into the spa yet cuz its too hot (though other ppl don't seem to think so) lol

oh yeah, i also saw 2 naked boys today, it was certainly...surprising. they just walked into the spa in all their naked glory, paid, and jumped into the water. i was like "Jesus."

so guys, lemme tell u what happened at the restaurant i was eating at like an hour ago:

I was eating, and this stray dog came into the restaurant, but most of the ppl in this town knew him so it was alright. and so anyway, i was eating and all of a sudden, he came over and put his head on my lap, it was so cute. lol.

welll, until my mom said "watch out, he might bite your leg off." way to be a pessimist. then i got slightly paranoid, but it was ok cuz he didn't bite me and let me pet him lol

there was also these gangster guys (but they were drunk so i was hoping they would miss if they tried to shoot me with their guns lol) and they were really loud and one was talking to my aunt and i think she stabbed him with her chopsticks cuz my mom was like "let's go. NOW" lol

i feel like waveboarding cuz they have nice streets here that are for the most part empty cuz not too many ppl live in these parts (we're in the mountains)

and there's this river/dam right behind the hotel. it's really nice :]

btw, there's lots of stray dogs here (one peed and aimed for my aunt's leg lol)

leave comments! I like them :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


In my last blog post, I forgot to mention that almost nobody wears braces in Taiwan.

So, I get weird looks when I talk or smile. lol

and I don't know how but everyone can tell I'm American, I think they have like "American-senses" or something lol.

The gum I'm chewing is out of flavor. But i feel awkward enough as it is, sitting in a room of radio-people. So I think it'd be a bad idea to just stand up and start looking for a trash can lol.


I think I have an addiction to grass jelly (tastes better than it sounds :] )

3rd Day

Hey guys,

It's my third day in Taiwan and I'm currently at a radio station (2nd one this week!). It's a bore cuz my mom does all the talking and I just kind of sit there and listen. But luckily, this station has extra computers that I can use. :]

I forgot my contacts, so i had to wear my glasses for the past few days; I look like a major dorkus lol. I also got my hair cut =] I'll see if I can post pictures up later on.

So anyway, there's no internet where I'm staying at right now, so I won't be on much for the next 3 weeks. However, I'm going to my aunt's spa resort thing tonight and she has internet in the hotel rooms, so i'll probably be able to go on. Yay for internet!

Anyway, I found out that my boarding camper thing starts on July 9th, so i have almost 3 weeks until I have to go, which is pretty neat.

BTW, it's unbearably hot here. I stepped off the plane and I was like "hubba...sweat city!"

I also saw this albino chinese woman and I was like "Chinese people can be albino?" it was a pretty big shock. lol

I bought neat things (mostly clothes cuz all of the clothing fits me because asian people have smaller bodies :D)

Have I mentioned how much I despise the weather here? makes me wanna jump off a cliff.

If Bryan's reading this, I got your mom a postcard from Seattle cuz i haven't seen any Taiwan ones, but if i do, i'll get it :]

oh yeah, i kind of...smooshed ur mom's postcard, hope she doesn't mind.

Ryan, I know i forgot the attachment, I'll try to send it to you when I get to the hotel.

TaCora, I got a phone card, I'll try calling you when I think you're awake lol

Hola from Taiwan for everyone that's reading this. Or should I say Ni Hao?


Saturday, June 16, 2007

3 hours


it's 3 hours before I take my leave. I got the times mixed up ( i thought i was leaving at midnight not 7:30!)

I haven't packed away my laptop yet, as you can tell lol. But that's because a certain someone *cough*ryan*cough* requested me to finish these outlines and I'm currently stumped on what to write. So what do i do? Make a blog post. Yes. Because that is the answer to everything.

oh, and i lost my comb today. lol. and i got honey mustard on my pants cuz it was all drippy drippy and i was all stupid stupid. haha


I am in love with Doritos X-13D

it's amazing.

especially the pickle taste (for those of u that know what im talking about) :]

eurologist = penis doctor

interesante no?

i should really be finishing those outlines and putting this laptop away and taking a shower and drying my hair and getting dress and finish packing and give my dad a father's day gift and take my leave.

but procrastinating is my specialty. :]

Well, i guess my next post will be from Taiwan.


Au' revoir?



Zai Jian

and erm...

that German one that I have no clue how to spell ...yeah.


Friday, June 15, 2007

1 more day :[

Grrr, im leaving tomorrow night, it's so depressing.

my friends were over, it was fun. my leg's sore (ow). too much DDR and Redbull.

my mom's been yelling at me to pack, it's pretty annoying. we have like a whole 24 hours to pack.

vitamin water's good. Life water is a rip off. (i tried it today)

i love air plane rides (that's the only part about the trip im excited about haha)

i really don't have anything to say. sorry. lol

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Field dayyy

Dudes, today was field day and it was soooo hot @_@

but it was pretty fun. even if i sweated like a pig during volleyball lol

i got to run with a potato in between my legs and go through an obstacle course with a swimsuit and shower cap on. my friends said i looked like a fool. i hope they fall into a toilet.

1 more day till school ends! we're going to the mall afterwards, fun fun fun. :D

im kinda excited yet not. After school ends, I'll have 3 days till i leave for Taiwan *sigh*. but then again, there's no school. however, there is summer reading. i stopped capitalizing, sorry. my fingers are lazy. ill whip them into shape over the summer though, so no worries. my friend Toaster strudel, just made a blog the other day (with my assistance) ;D.

whoever's reading this should probably check it out.

and yes i came up with the url. XD

btw, i am currently watching the first ep of Princess Princess !

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Ugh, my last two finals are tomorrow.

Health and English II

way to make my life miserable.

it's like 10:09 and i still have to study for english. maybe i shouldn't have procrastinated. -.-

this sucks butt.

might as well kill me now. *falls down dramatically with arms flailing in the air*

*lies deathly still*

ok, enough of that. back to studying.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

First Day :]

Hehe, I just made my blog and it's actually like 11:51. So, it's not really daytime I guess lol.

I don't really know what I want to write either. I just kinda felt like making a blog. Hrm.

Well, first things first:

1. I'm asian.
2. I just finished watching Tokyo Juliet.
3. Wu Zun is my favorite male actor of all time :D
4. I want to meet Wu Zun fans so I have people I can talk to about him. :]
5. I'm in high school. ugh.
6. I can't wait for college.
7. Anime & manga are like the best things that people ever invented. Besides food.
8. I'm a pig.
9. I like vampire novels.
10. Soda is cool.