Saturday, June 16, 2007

3 hours


it's 3 hours before I take my leave. I got the times mixed up ( i thought i was leaving at midnight not 7:30!)

I haven't packed away my laptop yet, as you can tell lol. But that's because a certain someone *cough*ryan*cough* requested me to finish these outlines and I'm currently stumped on what to write. So what do i do? Make a blog post. Yes. Because that is the answer to everything.

oh, and i lost my comb today. lol. and i got honey mustard on my pants cuz it was all drippy drippy and i was all stupid stupid. haha


I am in love with Doritos X-13D

it's amazing.

especially the pickle taste (for those of u that know what im talking about) :]

eurologist = penis doctor

interesante no?

i should really be finishing those outlines and putting this laptop away and taking a shower and drying my hair and getting dress and finish packing and give my dad a father's day gift and take my leave.

but procrastinating is my specialty. :]

Well, i guess my next post will be from Taiwan.


Au' revoir?



Zai Jian

and erm...

that German one that I have no clue how to spell ...yeah.
