Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well guys, today was my mom's concert (7:30 PM). During the day (before the concert), I hung out with my cousin (4 months older than me). We rode around the city on her Vesba (looks it up if you're confused).

We got lost like 219742739295 times and spent about 2 hours trying to get back on the right road lol. Consequence of lacking a sense of direction. We had to ask like 283 strangers for directions haha.

When we finally got to the mall (Sogo), we watched Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was in English with Chinese subtitiles. I listened, while she read. lol. it was a great movie though. I love the part where Susan dies :D

Then we ate Shabu Shabu! My favorite :]

I paid though :[ (we fought over who would pay, much like middle aged adults do) I won.

BTW, we're both the same height. XD

We did some other stuff, but it's not interesting enough for me to write another 2839 sentences about.

My mom's concert was alright; it's incredibly boring backstage. Then my mom was in a bad mood and just kept yelling at me. Jerk.

The little kids (other singers' children) keep pestering me. Brats.

I only like one; he's chubby and giggles a lot lol.

I fixed my Ipod. Thank all the gods.


I'm going to another city tomorrow for another concert, may not be able to update till i get to the new hotel.

Cya laterzzzz (my cousin's coming with us, yay!) ill try to take pictures and post them up.