Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis the Season

I feel like Christmas just sort of sprung up on me like "Boo! HO HO HO"

I was so surprised that I had to quickly order my friend's present online for our secret santa get together thing this weekend. I hope it gets here in time or else they'll probably beat me.

I have things I want to send out through the mail but I feel like I won't even have time to do it till after christmas, so that makes me feel a little bad. But, better late than ever right?

Vincent lost his present the DAY after he got it in the mail last year. It was a pretty big bummer, so this year, i'm going to send him another one. good thing he doesn't read this blog. teehee :)

So, how much do we love snow days guys? It's one of the best feelings ever. Waking up miserable only to find out you don't even have to go to school so you just curl up in your blankets, go back to sleep, and wake up at the time you're supposed to get out of school. Then, you go frolick in the snow. bliss.

Lately, I've been receiving acceptances and it's actually quite exciting! I got a call today from the dean at Bridgewater college/university and he told me that I got the largest scholarship package out of the applicants this year (which is really...kind of sad, for bridgewater anyway).
At first i was pretty ecstatic, i mean 25 grand is a lot of money you know? but then when i really thought about it, I really have no intention of going there. So it's kind of a waste for them to put aside that money for me. I was going to tell him that but then my mom was like "No no no, keep it as a back up. money money money"
She's a nut.

And I don't really want to go to drexel either (although 22 grand is also quite a plus). Nor do i want to go to Washington and Jefferson University.

When am I going to get accepted to somewhere that's NOT a backup!?

Probably (or maybe not) in may. ugh. Taylor tracey's been accepted into THIRTEEN schools already. It's pretty freakin ridiculous. I stare at that list in the hallway pretty much every day because i'm an obsessed looney.

School's stressful. I feel old. But, good things are to come :)
Good things are always to come.

For example, i'm expecting something from Felili in the mail! So exciting.

Just like my sorbet in the freezer. :D!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Research Paper

So...I should be doing my 10+ page research paper right now, especially considering I have zero pages done and have just been religiously reading my research instead of actually writing the paper. BUT, now that the newstation has announced that all public schools are closed tomorrow, I can't help but take a break and rejoice :D

And what better to do than blog? teehee.

I really don't have too much to say though, which is kind of making me reconsider this post. But, since i'm already more than 30 words in, I might as well finish.

So Patrick is apparently in seattle today! How lucky is felicia? FREAKIN LUCKY! Gosh, not that many people come to philly. Well...there was kevin and kyle and Karen...WOAH. Notice all their names start with K! Oh wow. okay. cool. Rebekah, I wished your name started with a k!

I've been accepted to college guys. It's time to celebrate. But, I also kind of wished I wasn't accepted yet because now I feel so safe and secure that I don't feel like finishing my other apps! That would be positively horrible ugh.

I know I'm kind of just babbling about random things but just bear with me, I'm trying to get out a decent post!

I found this watermelon chapstick in an old backpack and found out that the chapstick expired in 2003! How cool is that!? It means I bought it before the 6th grade. That's some old chapstick. I want to keep it until I die. :)

On a more exciting note, I filled out my OCAC application and I'm pretty much ready to send it out. I can't wait. This is my third time so I feel like this old OCAC veteran. haha. Rebekah, you better be going or else I just might cry. Really.

CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE! I'm really sorry that I'm barely getting anyone presents this year but my budget really can't take another blow. :(
I love you guys though :) (not including the strangers who are reading this)

Anyways, this post is pretty much done. I don't have many meaningful things to say. Sorry.

On a parting note, I'm looking for my eucalyptus tree guys.!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let's Be Happy

Dear friend,

I didn't appreciate you smacking me in the face at lunch today. You looked pretty angry, so I thought maybe I did something wrong. But, then you played it off like you were joking around. I know you weren't.

Why would you even start that in front of everyone if you weren't even going to follow through with it? I don't enjoy being smacked around and not knowing why. If you have something you're upset about, then just tell me. I don't notice everything, so please don't expect me to just know whenever something's wrong with you. I don't want to play guessing games.

And also, if you decide to pull a stunt like that again, I won't hesitate to five-star you into next week. Even if you are five times stronger than me.

Additionally, I won't be the one to call and ask you what's wrong. If you want me to know that bad, just tell me yourself. I'm tired of having to guess whenever you're upset and having you tell me about how a good friend would 'just know.' If that's true, then I guess we must not be 'good friends' even after 6 years.

I don't know what spurred on all those nasty things you said today, but I didn't enjoy you insulting my violin playing. I know I'm not the best. But, neither are you. You can criticize me when you get first chair. Until then, I'll be occupying it.

I've told you this before and I'm going to say it again, if you're not happy, then do something about it. Please stop sitting around being angry and upset because your friends let you down or because they hung out without you. You complain about how we leave you out, but it's you who chooses not to participate whenever we do anything! And if you don't like your current friends, find new ones because I doubt we're all going to change ourselves for your sake. 

I'm not saying this to be a jerk, really I'm not (although I can admit that I am a bit angry). But, this is getting a bit repetitive and nothing's improving with the way things are going now. Just listen to me, afterall, I'm the wiser one in this relationship, as much as you may want to argue otherwise.

Christmas, the happiest time of the year, is just around the corner and it'd be great if everyone was merry. Especially at next week's Christmas party. Secret Santa is a fantastic way to save money btw. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully, you'll get over whatever's wrong by then and enjoy it with the rest of us.

P.S. Stop calling me immature. It makes me want to hurt things. Mainly you.

Amy <3

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's a been a while.

It's been a while since I've felt this angry. Really.

So, I applied early action to a certain college. A certain very prestigious college mind you. Their application was due ridiculously early and I worked on it for weeks straight. And after much stressing and re-reading and spelling-checking for the 100th time, I sent it in. I even got a reply email notifying that they received it.

Here I was, anxiously waiting for the decision to come back on December 1st. I refreshed my email inbox like 50 times in a minute.

What do I get? Nada. Zip. None.

It was seriously starting to worry me, so I sent them an email asking about it. You know what they reply with? "Sorry, but you did not submit the application along with the other required materials on time."

WHAT? Really? I've never heard anything so completely, absolutely ridiculous. You even sent me a confirmation email!

I then proceeded to tell them so.

And you know what I get?

"Sorry for the misunderstanding, but it's too late to correct anything now. We wish you luck in regular admissions!"

I hate them. Really.

I don't think I'm even going to apply regular decision. I can't go to a school that I so highly dislike now. And to think it was my top choice at the time.

Well, times have changed.


On a positive note: I had a tootsie pop today. It was immensely satisfying.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life Lesson

One huge lesson I've learned in my 17 years of life is that living is all about being happy. There's no point in living if you're not happy or doing things that make you happy. So, have fun doing what you do and if you don't have fun or aren't happy, then don't do it.

Take my word for it  :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Highly Unproductive

I have decided to blog about how absolutely unproductive I have been. Thanks for the push Bekah Ho.

I've had an entire WEEK to write an essay for my anthro class at UPenn and well...it's due tomorrow and I have a word count of '0'

This makes me want to sigh. There's also like 10 college essays due before monday and im supposed to go to this party on saturday and i just don't want to do anything! Is this senioritis!? I certainly hope not. I can't afford to have senioritis! I haven't even gotten into college yet! frick.

But...blogging makes me feel better. LOL.

I'm pretty sure TaCora got me sick today. she was coughing and I was sitting right there....my throat hurts. i can't afford to be sick either!

On a brighter note, UPenn's supplement doesn't require me to write another essay because I applied early decision HAHA. :)

I wanted to call my best friend ever in Vancouver last weekend but I just didn't have enough time. I miss her.

Before I end this, if a certain someone ever tries to wake me up by calling ON PURPOSE again, I will have to hurt you reallll bad. I mean it. Garara.!

Oh, I also absolutely LOVE the University of Southern California <3

Sunday, October 25, 2009



Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh Anthropology...

Why is my anthropology class so boring!?

It's such an interesting topic.

But, I can't help but fall asleep and wake up to see the professor staring me down with his beedy little eyes.

Sorry Professor Spooner.

I'll pay more attention next week, maybe.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sleep used to be a necessity. But, as you get older, sleep becomes a luxury.


Good night :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Falling Behind

So, I realize that it's been a pretty long while since my last blog post. I really don't have a decent excuse. I mean, I've been pretty behind on all my school work, but that's pretty much all my fault lol.

I've come to discover that when I'm stressed, I resort to eating approx. 7 meals a day and indulge myself in anime. It's quite disturbing. I'm on the path to being an obese, creepy anime-obsessed hermit. It needs to stop. Hence the reason why I'm blogging instead of watching another episode of Saiunkoku Monogatari (oh the will power!)

Have I mentioned that college apps are perhaps the most stressful things I have ever encountered? They are. I don't remember any of my former senior friends having as much trouble as I do, so I wonder if something's wrong with me. Maybe I'm being a big baby, which is highly possible.
I've also realized that most of the advice that people have given me about college is pretty much useless. I hope that if some troubled junior/senior ever comes asking me for advice, i'll be able to tell them something of use.
And oh yeah, the school counselor is pretty useless as well.

On a positive note, I have rekindled some old friendships and I think that's a great start for senior year. :)
I'm excited for my ACTs this saturday. Is that odd? I'm taking that at a high school that I know my friend from 4th grade goes to, maybe i'll see her? I hope so. haha.

I feel like I don't have anything really meaningful to blog about, which is kind of disappointing. But I'm hoping that if i blog enough, I'll start to get it right.

OH OH OH. I got this friend request from this naked girl. like really, her profile pic is completely nude. But, it's not disturbing because she's really attractive. However, I'm still scared to accept it. Maybe she's a nudist? OH baby.

I'm excited to go back to Taiwan :) !


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh so sweet :)

So, about 20 minutes ago, my college application was due and I probably submitted it like 2 minutes before the deadline. It was really nerve-wracking. What if the internet timed out or the server was too busy to respond? Then, not only would I not even have a CHANCE at being admitted, but I would've did all that work for nothing. Luckily, it submitted successfully and now I feel light as bird without the weight of the application on my shoulders. My backache is gone. Temporarily. :)

But...now I have bio outlines to do. sigh. I couldn't help but blog first...

Oh yeah, for one of my essays (which was on OCAC), I went back to read the notes that people wrote after camp ended to kind of get into the feel of camp again (if you can understand what i'm talking about...) and it just made me really sad. I realized how much I'm really missing everyone. I was also really sad when I realized that, out of all the people that people tagged in their notes, they probably don't even talk to half of them on a regular basis any more. Not that I didn't know it was inevitable for us to drift apart but it was just something I was hoping wouldn't happen to any of us. So much for hoping. 
Now, I am completely inspired to go wall post on everyone's walls and just ask "What's up?" 
As for the people I have kept in touch with, I'm extremely thankful :)

Gosh, I say "realize" a lot. as well as "like"

On a side note: I really hate anthropology class. I have about 100 pages to read before class tomorrow. Guess how many I'm going to read? ;]

Fact: Green grapes are superior to purple grapes. 

Monday, September 28, 2009

Die Laughing

I hope I'll be able to feel like I'm going to die from laughter some time soon because I really miss it.

Ho: "Who put grass jelly in my rice?!"

Panda: We did. HAHAHA.


Ho: .....

Panda: Do you know where it's been?

Ho: No...where?

Panda: ...We don't know either.



Sunday, September 27, 2009



So, after much hard work and frustration and hair pins, I have finally updated my new layout. ahh. So many complications. But, now I'm satisfied and I can get back to my essays after this post.

The essay, btw, is complete phooey. I mean, how does a college even REQUEST for anyone to write a biographical essay and then next to it, in parentheses mind you, write that there's an 800 word limit. Yeah, because I can totally tell you my life story in less than 5 pages. Right. Maybe if I was a fruit fly.

I woke up this morning and I had this incredible urge to blog and then after that thought came to mind, I was immediately horrified. I mean, what if I become one of those insane bloggers who blog every single little thing they do? Like "So guys...I just went to the toilet. Now I'm going to go drink a soda." I don't want to become like that. >

Oh well. So, I'm really digging this new ghetto fab look my blog has adopted. In the words of one wise, amazing girl that I know: "I can be...gangster."

HAHA. :)

And also, this is directed to "That One Guy"

Your blog won't let me comment so I'm just going to tell you that green grapes absolutely own purple ones. there's no competition. purple ones are too sweet and they're too round.

and even if Miley Cyrus isn't the coolest super star with the nicest attitude or the greatest voice, "Party in the USA" still makes my heart soar when it comes on on Itunes and nothing's going to change that. <3

On a side note, according to my soul mate, Nick Jonas and I have the same shoes? sick.

So, I've recently been inspired to actually post on my blog. I figured, "Hey, since I'm finally blogging again, I should change my layout."

But I stopped mid-change and it's really bothering me to no end. Like really. I'm going to try to get on that...soon. Like tomorrow? Idk.

I have like 3 college essays due on wednesday and I have yet to write one. Just thinking about it makes me a little upset, which then makes me eat. a lot. So I try to not think about it. But then, not thinking about it means not doing it, which is not an option. Ridiculous.

Now, onto more important things.

I was following a certain someone's blog and I realized that I really need to take time to appreciate the people I have some times. Like, it was like all of a sudden, I realized how lucky I am to have who I have. So I just want want to let that certain some one, who just happens to be my best friend in Vancouver, know that I really can't be any more thankful that I met you 2 summers ago. I know we don't talk as much as either one of us would like, but I hope you know that I still think about you all the time, even if I don't get the chance to tell you. I'm just waiting for the days when we'll be able to see eachother whenever we want. <3

I miss you like crazy.

I want to end this post letting everyone know that green grapes completely dominate purple grapes. And also that "Party in the USA" always makes me ridiculously happy. It's really ridiculous.