Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis the Season

I feel like Christmas just sort of sprung up on me like "Boo! HO HO HO"

I was so surprised that I had to quickly order my friend's present online for our secret santa get together thing this weekend. I hope it gets here in time or else they'll probably beat me.

I have things I want to send out through the mail but I feel like I won't even have time to do it till after christmas, so that makes me feel a little bad. But, better late than ever right?

Vincent lost his present the DAY after he got it in the mail last year. It was a pretty big bummer, so this year, i'm going to send him another one. good thing he doesn't read this blog. teehee :)

So, how much do we love snow days guys? It's one of the best feelings ever. Waking up miserable only to find out you don't even have to go to school so you just curl up in your blankets, go back to sleep, and wake up at the time you're supposed to get out of school. Then, you go frolick in the snow. bliss.

Lately, I've been receiving acceptances and it's actually quite exciting! I got a call today from the dean at Bridgewater college/university and he told me that I got the largest scholarship package out of the applicants this year (which is really...kind of sad, for bridgewater anyway).
At first i was pretty ecstatic, i mean 25 grand is a lot of money you know? but then when i really thought about it, I really have no intention of going there. So it's kind of a waste for them to put aside that money for me. I was going to tell him that but then my mom was like "No no no, keep it as a back up. money money money"
She's a nut.

And I don't really want to go to drexel either (although 22 grand is also quite a plus). Nor do i want to go to Washington and Jefferson University.

When am I going to get accepted to somewhere that's NOT a backup!?

Probably (or maybe not) in may. ugh. Taylor tracey's been accepted into THIRTEEN schools already. It's pretty freakin ridiculous. I stare at that list in the hallway pretty much every day because i'm an obsessed looney.

School's stressful. I feel old. But, good things are to come :)
Good things are always to come.

For example, i'm expecting something from Felili in the mail! So exciting.

Just like my sorbet in the freezer. :D!


allen said...

Haha..Uhhh..yeah probably the same for me..
I'll get to it..sooner or later =P
Snow days =P
Still probably the best line I've ever texted you...:
I can already imagine how angry you were after that =P
UofM is so not a backup :D
13 schools?
Jesus christ, you guys are in some sort of competition to see who can apply to the most schools huh?
I don't plan on applying more than maybe..like 4.

HO said...

I hope you get accepted into UBC.