Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yesterday, I had my very first college interview.

I ditched the usual tshirt and hightops and was even 10 minutes early. It was a little awkward, I won't lie. There were uncomfortable pauses between answers and questions and I probably said "umm" like 100+ times. But my interviewer was pretty chill so it wasn't that bad. wasn't that bad until I decided to tell him that "I sometimes feel like a ninja."

I swear, we both stopped and looked at eachother with "wtf" looks on our faces. Cue the awkward laughter.

Even now, I can't remember what prompted me to tell him about my ninjaism or how my mind justified in doing so. I finally understand what Mr. Morton means by 'diarrhea of the mouth.' You honestly can't control what you say when suffering from diarrhea of the mouth guys. beware.

So yeah, that's how my first interview went. At least...I learned something? Oh well. I thought it was okay, besides my ninja slip up.

OH. A couple days ago, the water went out at my house due to something being wrong with the main pipe in the local area. But umm, it was one of the most horrific days of my life. Really.

Have you ever brushed your teeth with bottled water? THE TOILET WOULDN'T EVEN FLUSH. I couldn't shower. Couldn't wash dirty dishes. Had to wash my face, once again, with bottled water. It eye opener. I now have a newfound appreciation for water. Really.

The college app process is pretty much officially over now. All that's left is financial aid forms. So it's easy breezing till March/April.

I'm excited :)


allen said...

Sometimes I feel like a ninja ;)

HO said...