Monday, January 18, 2010


My best friend turned 17 today and I thought that was something worth blogging about, so here I am :)

We first met in July of the summer of 2008 at OCAC. So, it's been a little more than a year and a half since I've seen you in person and that's a pretty long time. Too long.

Sometimes, when I think back on that summer, I feel a little bit like I took your presence for granted because you were always the friend that was with me at all times. I never really did anything without you and it wasn't until the 6 weeks were up that I really realized how close we'd gotten.

I know we didn't keep our promise of 1 call a week but hey, things happen. Plus, long distance calling and time differences are quite the obstacles. But still, that's okay because even though we may not call eachother in over a month, at least I know that call's coming. I've never once seriously considered "What if we never talk on the phone again?" Even when we don't talk for a month, I don't feel like I've lost touch because I get the feeling that we have the ability to pick up whenever.

Sure, I may not be the most updated about your life right now and vice versa, but I don't feel like we're any less of best friends. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think that's what people say. Or is it...time? LOL. Well, either or, it still applies to us.

Even though we live in different countries in different time zones and haven't seen eachother in the flesh for over a year and a half, you're still my best friend/rock/soul mate/bekahbekahho. I never have to doubt whether we still consider eachother best friends and that's how I know how tight we are.

With all that said, I hope you have the best birthday, which I'm sure you will because everybody loves you. I'm celebrating for you here in philly :)

Let's grow old together in the future. With like 12 dogs because I'm allergic to cats. <3

P.S. I love you more than hot pot. Really.


HO said...

What the frickkk.
Thanks babyyy. <3

allen said...

"With like 12 dogs because I'm allergic to cats. <3"
Oh dear.
Bekah Ho, have birthdays more often so that Amy will post 2x in a row like that!
By the way, I was gonna make you a video, but my computer got fucked, so I need to reboot it today..=[
I'll make it after it stops being gay.
Kay Bye.