Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let's Be Happy

Dear friend,

I didn't appreciate you smacking me in the face at lunch today. You looked pretty angry, so I thought maybe I did something wrong. But, then you played it off like you were joking around. I know you weren't.

Why would you even start that in front of everyone if you weren't even going to follow through with it? I don't enjoy being smacked around and not knowing why. If you have something you're upset about, then just tell me. I don't notice everything, so please don't expect me to just know whenever something's wrong with you. I don't want to play guessing games.

And also, if you decide to pull a stunt like that again, I won't hesitate to five-star you into next week. Even if you are five times stronger than me.

Additionally, I won't be the one to call and ask you what's wrong. If you want me to know that bad, just tell me yourself. I'm tired of having to guess whenever you're upset and having you tell me about how a good friend would 'just know.' If that's true, then I guess we must not be 'good friends' even after 6 years.

I don't know what spurred on all those nasty things you said today, but I didn't enjoy you insulting my violin playing. I know I'm not the best. But, neither are you. You can criticize me when you get first chair. Until then, I'll be occupying it.

I've told you this before and I'm going to say it again, if you're not happy, then do something about it. Please stop sitting around being angry and upset because your friends let you down or because they hung out without you. You complain about how we leave you out, but it's you who chooses not to participate whenever we do anything! And if you don't like your current friends, find new ones because I doubt we're all going to change ourselves for your sake. 

I'm not saying this to be a jerk, really I'm not (although I can admit that I am a bit angry). But, this is getting a bit repetitive and nothing's improving with the way things are going now. Just listen to me, afterall, I'm the wiser one in this relationship, as much as you may want to argue otherwise.

Christmas, the happiest time of the year, is just around the corner and it'd be great if everyone was merry. Especially at next week's Christmas party. Secret Santa is a fantastic way to save money btw. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully, you'll get over whatever's wrong by then and enjoy it with the rest of us.

P.S. Stop calling me immature. It makes me want to hurt things. Mainly you.

Amy <3


allen said...


sorry. i just had to say that.
i'm quite surprised too, u blogged AGAIN! that's pretty awesome. Amy, I'm sorry that I smacked you in the face. I didn't mean to. I was just rubbing your face extra hard. While at lunch. Yeah. I went to philly for lunch today ^^.

HO said...

LOL, this kid better watch out.
I've felt the wrath of your five stars...