So, after much hard work and frustration and hair pins, I have finally updated my new layout. ahh. So many complications. But, now I'm satisfied and I can get back to my essays after this post.
The essay, btw, is complete phooey. I mean, how does a college even REQUEST for anyone to write a biographical essay and then next to it, in parentheses mind you, write that there's an 800 word limit. Yeah, because I can totally tell you my life story in less than 5 pages. Right. Maybe if I was a fruit fly.
I woke up this morning and I had this incredible urge to blog and then after that thought came to mind, I was immediately horrified. I mean, what if I become one of those insane bloggers who blog every single little thing they do? Like "So guys...I just went to the toilet. Now I'm going to go drink a soda." I don't want to become like that. >

you're crazy!
purple ones don't have to be round! and theyre much better! have u EVER had one of those sooooper sour green grapes? Eye have. It's horrible, let me tell you that.
Also, I can easily write my entire life story with half a page. K thx bye
I LIKE them sour.
So I like the green ones better.
and YOU'RE crazy. You looney.!
Well...I can't in half a page...so im sorry?
K thx bye.
And you're welcome for pointing out the fact that you and a rockstar share similar taste in footwear.
no! you speak lies! you like them sweet!
that's why you like me.
cuz im so sweet
well ill write yours in a sentence:
one day, amy met allen and life became immensely good.
The End!
You are both ridiculous.
and yes allen you're so sweet you make my tooth ache. :)
but...i still like green grapes better. I'm sorry.
Rebekah...okay. You're gangster. yep.
I feel like I can brag about what I have in common with Nick Jonas now thanks to you. :D
I'm sorry Amy. Purple takes the round. =[ I agree. bekah ho is gangster.
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