Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Highly Unproductive

I have decided to blog about how absolutely unproductive I have been. Thanks for the push Bekah Ho.

I've had an entire WEEK to write an essay for my anthro class at UPenn and's due tomorrow and I have a word count of '0'

This makes me want to sigh. There's also like 10 college essays due before monday and im supposed to go to this party on saturday and i just don't want to do anything! Is this senioritis!? I certainly hope not. I can't afford to have senioritis! I haven't even gotten into college yet! frick.

But...blogging makes me feel better. LOL.

I'm pretty sure TaCora got me sick today. she was coughing and I was sitting right throat hurts. i can't afford to be sick either!

On a brighter note, UPenn's supplement doesn't require me to write another essay because I applied early decision HAHA. :)

I wanted to call my best friend ever in Vancouver last weekend but I just didn't have enough time. I miss her.

Before I end this, if a certain someone ever tries to wake me up by calling ON PURPOSE again, I will have to hurt you reallll bad. I mean it. Garara.!

Oh, I also absolutely LOVE the University of Southern California <3


HO said...


allen said...

Nice. =P
They're naked and have war paint and stuff
you're gonna do well in your apps.
Sorry. That's just what's going to happen.
idk who would ever try to wake u up by calling you

SecretsnLies said... can you tell someone not to call you on purpose when your sleeping when you do the exact same thing to me!!!!! Hypocrite