Saturday, January 30, 2010


Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Way Things Are

I hate you more than anyone else in this entire world.
You have this uncanny ability to make me the unhappiest I've ever been and I wish you wouldn't do that just for your own amusement sometimes. I find myself always wishing bad things upon you only to knock on wood a minute later. But, there's nobody I love more than you and I know there won't be any replacements for you once you're gone. With that said, I promise to try to appreciate you more when I'm not secretly wishing to dropkick you.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pet Peeves

I was sitting in front of my computer on Facebook earlier when I realized just how easily aggravated I get. It's little things too. So...I decided to try to make up a list of pet peeves. Maybe I'll even update this list.

  1. When people call others 'love." I feel like it doesn't quite suit this time period and that it sounds highly awkward in conversation. In fact, I don't even reply back to texts that refer to me as 'love' in them because I get too frustrated looking at it.
  2. In class, when people ask, "When am I ever going to use this in real life?" Yeah, sometimes we might never use it and I think you already know that, so why ask? Just take the class or switch.
  3. When girls refer to eachother as 'hun' or 'dear.' Or more specifically, when other girls refer to me as 'hun' or 'dear.' It sounds patronizing and most times, I'm the older one or at least the same age.
  4. When fruits start to go bad. Especially bananas. I can't stand when they start to turn brown, even if I'm allergic.
  5. When people call me AmyMa constantly as if it's my first name or just one word. Amy is fine.
  6. When teachers finish the lesson early in class and don't want the students to get rowdy so they assign pointless work that doesn't benefit us in any way shape or form.
  7. When people look at me when referring to China.
  8. When the eraser on top of your mechanical pencil runs out. ARGH.!
  9. When Mr. Nuzzi uses the phrase 'pow wow'
  10. When Mr. Nuzzi says, "Lesson learned guys." What lesson?!
  11. When I try to eat a cupcake but just end up getting icing all over my face.
  12. When people decide to start an argument early in the morning. Please wait till at least 12PM so I can properly respond.
  13. When my poptart breaks off at the edges.
  14. Static in the winter.
  15. When people tell me to go study (coughmomcough) as if I'm not responsible enough to know when to study on my own. Have a little faith please.
  16. Leprechauns.
  17. When the lady at the front desk throws a hissy fit when you need to make copies. It's not hard to shove some paper in a copier, so chill.
  18. Snooty bus drivers. It's not like we want to take the bus.
  19. When the stewardess wakes you up to make you eat.
  20. Brittany Schleinkofer.
  21. When people shake their leg under the table/when they're sitting.
  22. When people have to cuff/roll up their pants because their pants are too long. This is a big one.
Now, don't get me wrong. I won't not like a person just because they commit one of my pet peeves; that's pretty extreme lol. A pet peeve is just a pet peeve, I'll get over it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Things That Made Me Happy Today:

1. Phillip has announced that his parents are letting him wander freely. Maybe to Philly. <3
2. Felicia told me that Kevin and Kyle are BOTH going back to Taiwan. Frick.
3. I am better at related rates than my friends are (sorry guys)
4. I talked to Allen Chang today about a math problem.
5. I texted people at 4 AM.
6. It was spirit day.
7. Bryan gave me cookies n' cream chocolate. :D
8. I played with an albino cat. The allergic reaction was worth it.
9. 10 Things I Hate About You
10. Patrick losing his paycheck.
11. Miranda calling her dad a retard after running into the room proclaiming her love.
12. TaCora got lost on her way home.
13. The lady behind the counter at the gas station smiled at me.
14. I'm pretty much finished the FAFSA.
15. I did not sleep in school today.
16. My mom announced that I will be having hot pot TOMORROW !
17. I had a poptart at 4 AM.
18. I discovered Brad Pitt the Great Dane.
19. I got shocked so hard today I saw a spark. Freakin WOAH.
20. I saw a really really happy couple in the hallway today. They were glowing.
21. I walked on train tracks.
22. Yelled out the car window at a passing car.
23. I blogged.


Monday, January 18, 2010


My best friend turned 17 today and I thought that was something worth blogging about, so here I am :)

We first met in July of the summer of 2008 at OCAC. So, it's been a little more than a year and a half since I've seen you in person and that's a pretty long time. Too long.

Sometimes, when I think back on that summer, I feel a little bit like I took your presence for granted because you were always the friend that was with me at all times. I never really did anything without you and it wasn't until the 6 weeks were up that I really realized how close we'd gotten.

I know we didn't keep our promise of 1 call a week but hey, things happen. Plus, long distance calling and time differences are quite the obstacles. But still, that's okay because even though we may not call eachother in over a month, at least I know that call's coming. I've never once seriously considered "What if we never talk on the phone again?" Even when we don't talk for a month, I don't feel like I've lost touch because I get the feeling that we have the ability to pick up whenever.

Sure, I may not be the most updated about your life right now and vice versa, but I don't feel like we're any less of best friends. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think that's what people say. Or is it...time? LOL. Well, either or, it still applies to us.

Even though we live in different countries in different time zones and haven't seen eachother in the flesh for over a year and a half, you're still my best friend/rock/soul mate/bekahbekahho. I never have to doubt whether we still consider eachother best friends and that's how I know how tight we are.

With all that said, I hope you have the best birthday, which I'm sure you will because everybody loves you. I'm celebrating for you here in philly :)

Let's grow old together in the future. With like 12 dogs because I'm allergic to cats. <3

P.S. I love you more than hot pot. Really.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Yesterday, I had my very first college interview.

I ditched the usual tshirt and hightops and was even 10 minutes early. It was a little awkward, I won't lie. There were uncomfortable pauses between answers and questions and I probably said "umm" like 100+ times. But my interviewer was pretty chill so it wasn't that bad. wasn't that bad until I decided to tell him that "I sometimes feel like a ninja."

I swear, we both stopped and looked at eachother with "wtf" looks on our faces. Cue the awkward laughter.

Even now, I can't remember what prompted me to tell him about my ninjaism or how my mind justified in doing so. I finally understand what Mr. Morton means by 'diarrhea of the mouth.' You honestly can't control what you say when suffering from diarrhea of the mouth guys. beware.

So yeah, that's how my first interview went. At least...I learned something? Oh well. I thought it was okay, besides my ninja slip up.

OH. A couple days ago, the water went out at my house due to something being wrong with the main pipe in the local area. But umm, it was one of the most horrific days of my life. Really.

Have you ever brushed your teeth with bottled water? THE TOILET WOULDN'T EVEN FLUSH. I couldn't shower. Couldn't wash dirty dishes. Had to wash my face, once again, with bottled water. It eye opener. I now have a newfound appreciation for water. Really.

The college app process is pretty much officially over now. All that's left is financial aid forms. So it's easy breezing till March/April.

I'm excited :)