Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh so sweet :)

So, about 20 minutes ago, my college application was due and I probably submitted it like 2 minutes before the deadline. It was really nerve-wracking. What if the internet timed out or the server was too busy to respond? Then, not only would I not even have a CHANCE at being admitted, but I would've did all that work for nothing. Luckily, it submitted successfully and now I feel light as bird without the weight of the application on my shoulders. My backache is gone. Temporarily. :) I have bio outlines to do. sigh. I couldn't help but blog first...

Oh yeah, for one of my essays (which was on OCAC), I went back to read the notes that people wrote after camp ended to kind of get into the feel of camp again (if you can understand what i'm talking about...) and it just made me really sad. I realized how much I'm really missing everyone. I was also really sad when I realized that, out of all the people that people tagged in their notes, they probably don't even talk to half of them on a regular basis any more. Not that I didn't know it was inevitable for us to drift apart but it was just something I was hoping wouldn't happen to any of us. So much for hoping. 
Now, I am completely inspired to go wall post on everyone's walls and just ask "What's up?" 
As for the people I have kept in touch with, I'm extremely thankful :)

Gosh, I say "realize" a lot. as well as "like"

On a side note: I really hate anthropology class. I have about 100 pages to read before class tomorrow. Guess how many I'm going to read? ;]

Fact: Green grapes are superior to purple grapes. 

Monday, September 28, 2009

Die Laughing

I hope I'll be able to feel like I'm going to die from laughter some time soon because I really miss it.

Ho: "Who put grass jelly in my rice?!"

Panda: We did. HAHAHA.


Ho: .....

Panda: Do you know where it's been?

Ho: No...where?

Panda: ...We don't know either.



Sunday, September 27, 2009



So, after much hard work and frustration and hair pins, I have finally updated my new layout. ahh. So many complications. But, now I'm satisfied and I can get back to my essays after this post.

The essay, btw, is complete phooey. I mean, how does a college even REQUEST for anyone to write a biographical essay and then next to it, in parentheses mind you, write that there's an 800 word limit. Yeah, because I can totally tell you my life story in less than 5 pages. Right. Maybe if I was a fruit fly.

I woke up this morning and I had this incredible urge to blog and then after that thought came to mind, I was immediately horrified. I mean, what if I become one of those insane bloggers who blog every single little thing they do? Like "So guys...I just went to the toilet. Now I'm going to go drink a soda." I don't want to become like that. >

Oh well. So, I'm really digging this new ghetto fab look my blog has adopted. In the words of one wise, amazing girl that I know: "I can be...gangster."

HAHA. :)

And also, this is directed to "That One Guy"

Your blog won't let me comment so I'm just going to tell you that green grapes absolutely own purple ones. there's no competition. purple ones are too sweet and they're too round.

and even if Miley Cyrus isn't the coolest super star with the nicest attitude or the greatest voice, "Party in the USA" still makes my heart soar when it comes on on Itunes and nothing's going to change that. <3

On a side note, according to my soul mate, Nick Jonas and I have the same shoes? sick.

So, I've recently been inspired to actually post on my blog. I figured, "Hey, since I'm finally blogging again, I should change my layout."

But I stopped mid-change and it's really bothering me to no end. Like really. I'm going to try to get on that...soon. Like tomorrow? Idk.

I have like 3 college essays due on wednesday and I have yet to write one. Just thinking about it makes me a little upset, which then makes me eat. a lot. So I try to not think about it. But then, not thinking about it means not doing it, which is not an option. Ridiculous.

Now, onto more important things.

I was following a certain someone's blog and I realized that I really need to take time to appreciate the people I have some times. Like, it was like all of a sudden, I realized how lucky I am to have who I have. So I just want want to let that certain some one, who just happens to be my best friend in Vancouver, know that I really can't be any more thankful that I met you 2 summers ago. I know we don't talk as much as either one of us would like, but I hope you know that I still think about you all the time, even if I don't get the chance to tell you. I'm just waiting for the days when we'll be able to see eachother whenever we want. <3

I miss you like crazy.

I want to end this post letting everyone know that green grapes completely dominate purple grapes. And also that "Party in the USA" always makes me ridiculously happy. It's really ridiculous.