Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Highly Unproductive

I have decided to blog about how absolutely unproductive I have been. Thanks for the push Bekah Ho.

I've had an entire WEEK to write an essay for my anthro class at UPenn and's due tomorrow and I have a word count of '0'

This makes me want to sigh. There's also like 10 college essays due before monday and im supposed to go to this party on saturday and i just don't want to do anything! Is this senioritis!? I certainly hope not. I can't afford to have senioritis! I haven't even gotten into college yet! frick.

But...blogging makes me feel better. LOL.

I'm pretty sure TaCora got me sick today. she was coughing and I was sitting right throat hurts. i can't afford to be sick either!

On a brighter note, UPenn's supplement doesn't require me to write another essay because I applied early decision HAHA. :)

I wanted to call my best friend ever in Vancouver last weekend but I just didn't have enough time. I miss her.

Before I end this, if a certain someone ever tries to wake me up by calling ON PURPOSE again, I will have to hurt you reallll bad. I mean it. Garara.!

Oh, I also absolutely LOVE the University of Southern California <3

Sunday, October 25, 2009



Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh Anthropology...

Why is my anthropology class so boring!?

It's such an interesting topic.

But, I can't help but fall asleep and wake up to see the professor staring me down with his beedy little eyes.

Sorry Professor Spooner.

I'll pay more attention next week, maybe.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sleep used to be a necessity. But, as you get older, sleep becomes a luxury.


Good night :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Falling Behind

So, I realize that it's been a pretty long while since my last blog post. I really don't have a decent excuse. I mean, I've been pretty behind on all my school work, but that's pretty much all my fault lol.

I've come to discover that when I'm stressed, I resort to eating approx. 7 meals a day and indulge myself in anime. It's quite disturbing. I'm on the path to being an obese, creepy anime-obsessed hermit. It needs to stop. Hence the reason why I'm blogging instead of watching another episode of Saiunkoku Monogatari (oh the will power!)

Have I mentioned that college apps are perhaps the most stressful things I have ever encountered? They are. I don't remember any of my former senior friends having as much trouble as I do, so I wonder if something's wrong with me. Maybe I'm being a big baby, which is highly possible.
I've also realized that most of the advice that people have given me about college is pretty much useless. I hope that if some troubled junior/senior ever comes asking me for advice, i'll be able to tell them something of use.
And oh yeah, the school counselor is pretty useless as well.

On a positive note, I have rekindled some old friendships and I think that's a great start for senior year. :)
I'm excited for my ACTs this saturday. Is that odd? I'm taking that at a high school that I know my friend from 4th grade goes to, maybe i'll see her? I hope so. haha.

I feel like I don't have anything really meaningful to blog about, which is kind of disappointing. But I'm hoping that if i blog enough, I'll start to get it right.

OH OH OH. I got this friend request from this naked girl. like really, her profile pic is completely nude. But, it's not disturbing because she's really attractive. However, I'm still scared to accept it. Maybe she's a nudist? OH baby.

I'm excited to go back to Taiwan :) !