Friday, March 26, 2010


Yesterday, I received my first rejection.

It was kind of a little shocking. And if you're wondering, it was from Northwestern. As much as I didn't think I had a great chance of getting in, I did think I had a chance so I was a little bit devastated when they just outright said "Nope, we're rejecting you. Sorry."

I wonder if everyone's first rejection feels like that. I imagine this is what a person must feel like after being rejected by the person they like. ouch.

Well yeah, that was yesterday. This morning when I got to school, I got a text from Ryan saying that he got accepted to NYU! How crazy awesome is that!? I was so envious you can't even imagine. But, at the same time I was pretty ecstatic for him. I mean, it's not every day one of my close friends gets accepted into freaking NYU! Oh man. I'm so proud. I want to brag to people. It's nuts.

But yeah, while I was pretty excited about the news, I was also kind of feeling really nervous. I mean, if Northwestern can so easily reject me, then what can I expect from the other schools I'm waiting for? I mean, most of them are just as good as Northwestern if not better. So yeah, that was a debbie downer.

Anyway, I decided to check my email like half an hour ago to see if I received any more rejections and I saw that I got an email from Stanford. I was kind of scared to open it. I don't think I take bad news very well. But, I opened it anyway. And guess what?

Stanford has decided to inform me that I've been put on their waitlist! I'm MORE excited than I was over the NYU news! I mean, I was like 100% sure that I would be rejected, it's STANFORD for goodness sakes! But wow, to be put on their waiting list is like this honor. I'm walking on sunshine right now, for real.

I want to tell everyone, but at the same time, I want to keep it to myself because I want to keep all the happiness. So what do I do? I blog about it.

I hope everyone gets good news come April 1st  :))))



HO said...