Friday, July 20, 2007

School life

*sigh* well, i just got back from getting in trouble cuz my friends and i went to the boy's dorm to beat up this kid lol. cuz he pranked called our room and pretended to be a counselor and told us to go downstairs. (only one of us went, poor Gillian). The worst thing is that we're on the 6th floor and there're no elevators. So, Gillian had to walk down 6 flights of steps and then come back up (as if we don't already do that enough during the day as it is).

I hope the couselor's kill him.

Oh yeah, sorry for the lack of updates, i've been real busy (i've made friends with the Italian kids BTW :D )

The classes are pretty hard here. Like, kung fu is hard because it's hard to remember all the movements and u have to be precise, so yeah. Volleyball is so intense too, i sweat up a storm. and my arms are so purple. it's like military camp ugh.

my roommate just shut off all the lights, darn her.

so yeah, the classes are hard here, but overall i like it :D ill miss everyone when this ends. :[

i really need to start my summer reading though.

but, i need all my free time to practice the harmonica and study my notes! (chinese is extremely hard to memorize, ugh)

well,my roommate is being annoying, so ill ttyl.



Monday, July 9, 2007


ok, if u guys want to know what i chose as my classes, here's the list:

1) Taiwanese
3)Volleyball (it was a close call between volleyball or pingpong)


First day

hehe, today's my first day at the university. we're currently in one of the campus buildings and in the computer labs. we're supposed to be signing up for our electives right now but, they're having some technical difficulties.

tell me, should i sign up for calligraphy, chinese knots, kung-fu, pressed flowers, puppet shows, or shiatsu? (i don't even know what shiatsu is)

i think i'm going to sign up for kung-fu :D

So yeah, it's alright here. there's a whole lot of kids, like, from all over the place. there are french kids, german, chinese, australian, american, and italian, and etc.

we've already formed little groups too lol.

btw, for those who wanted to know, my roommates are pretty cool. One is Gillian, she's 14 and she lives in New York.

2nd, Tiffany, she's 15 and is my age and i forget where she lives, but it's it's in america lol. (i haven't talked to her much, but i know she does Tai Kwon Do)

Note to self: do not get into a fight with Tiffany. lol

Lastly, my oldest roommate is Sylvia and she's 17 and from germany i think. so her english isn't that good. we talk to her in chinese.

i think the italian kids hate us. lol.

i got top bunk XD

it's a huuuuuuge campus. i lost like 3 pounds from walking back and forth from the different buildings. lol

well, we're about to get busy with the signing up and etc. so i'm gonna leave u guys now before i get in trouble.


i miss u guys.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Hey everyone :]

It's 12 in the afternoon and i'm staying at the Evergreen hotel right now (concert's tonight). Yesterday, all the singers' kids came, so it was really fun because we're all relatively close in age :D

i'm getting ready to go swimming after i type up this blog (it's an outdoor pool). my mom refuses to go with me because she doesn't want people to see her belly fat. urgh, she makes me angry.

I can't say that i have anything interesting to say. Well, actually, there is. But, it's not something that i want to write in my blog lol.

Happy belated July 4th! i hope u all had fun, cuz it's not celebrated here. i was like "happy july 4th!"

People: what?


i gained weight because all the food here is just too tempting :3

The other day, i knocked this old guy off his bike. it was an accident because i turned left and didn't look and ran into his bike as he was riding. I didn't get hurt, but he fell off his bike. oh man, he was so angry. vicious elderly men live in Taiwan, beware.

i also had a dream about a bunny singing acapella.

it was odd.

anyway, i can't think of anything else to say, so i'll go swim now lol.

Have fun in the sun :D

i miss you guys.

Leave comments, or else.


(o. o)