Friday, April 4, 2008

toe pick

alrightttttttttttt :]

so yeah, i'm in the design and tech room right now with anastasiya because we don't have 1,2 block due to PSSA testing. man, that's great. stacey just told me that im massacre-ing the keyboard. gosh, way to be dramatic stacey.

i should probably be doing something productive, like reading sparknotes for Othello or doing my vocabulary so i dont end up failing my next vocab exam, which is highly probable because it's always on 9 chapters at once and mrs. worrell has no mercy.

i do not recommend her class for the faint-hearted.

My first volleyball match was yesterday, man i was so PUMPED.

like, i turn into a she-beast when my adrenaline starts pumping, u really dont want to see me in this state; it's like being exposed to the Hulk.

i'm really not excited for gym today because the girls in my gym class are probably just going to stay in the locker room and listen to music. i want to exercise!

i really should stop falling asleep in biology, im scared Ms. George is going to freak out on me one day and just start beating me with a textbook; our biology textbooks are of a considerable size.

stacey is showing me her web design skills; she's quite talented.

my leg is itchy.

allergy season is here; good thing i have like a lifetime supply of claritin (although zyrtec works better).

stacey is curious to see wat i have written about her haha. i have to turn the screen sideways now, she's such a sneaky sneak.

that was a tad redundant.

i hate my school shoes. they're quite clunky and often fall off when i go up the steps, which is really not cool when it's dismissal and there's like 100 students behind u charging up the steps while you try to find your shoes. really NOT cool.
you dont even know.

i have a functional analysis test next period, which really kind of sucks because his tests always take up the entire class period so it's basically going to be an entire hour and a half of silence and work.

i want some red bull. it's my BFF.

i'm looking at brittany schleinkofer across the room, i think she's on some HP RPG or something.