Thursday, January 17, 2008

spanish, ick.

oh em geeeeeeeeee.

i totally detest espanol. well, it's not even the language that i don't like, it's the teacher that makes it horrible.

gosh i wish she would just get lost in a jungle or something. having to see her every morning makes me sick to the stomach.

she doesn't teach well, gives us condescending looks, doesn't prepare us for tests, can't answer questions that we ask, isn't pleasant to look at, and is not too bright in the head.

i never know whether i'm going to fail or pass a test in her class. they're so freaking spontaneous. like, one moment we'll be doing activities in the book and then suddenly it's like "ok, put ur books away, we're going to take a quiz before class ends!"

ok, way to tell us beforehand LOSER.

ick. and she wonders why ppl are doing bad in her class.

then, when we get bad scores, she's like "ok, you guys HAVE to ask questions or else you're never going to do well!"

so when we DO ask questions, the response is somewhat like, "you're in spanish 3! you should know this stuff.!"


"I don't know what to tell you."

dumb much?

omg, i hate her.

it's the week before the final and to prep us, she basically gives us laptops and tells us to study.

yeah right.

it's been a while since i've been on blogger. i miss it. it's like an online journal. lol

ok, i think im going to end it here before she comes over and sees what im doing haha.

that would suck.

as if she didn't hate me enough as it is.