Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Missing OCAC

Guys, I don't think I've felt this sad in a long, long time. As OCAC ended, i realized how attached I had grown the to the college and the other 169 kids in the program. I didn't realize it during the 6 weeks I was there, but, in those 6 weeks, those people became like family to me. It didn't really hit me that I might never see these people again until the last week I was there. I made some friends that I would consider calling a "best friend" and just knowing that I may never be able to visit them because they live in Italy or Germany is a really depressing thought.

I'm actually glad that nobody I knew from home was there on the last day, because they would've seen me bawl like a baby. I don't think I've cried that hard since...grade school maybe. But, my mom says it was a good experience to know how it feels like to leave behind friends. ( i think she's just very...cynical).

But, i'll definitely keep in touch with them and I'll never forget all the good times we had. Maybe, i'll go to Rome sometime and visit Sean, or maybe Berlin/Hamburg to visit Sylvia and Kilian. :]

OR, maybe they could come to america and visit me :D

Just had to get that out.

That was a pretty boring blog post.


i want to go back next year :D

As we were leaving and everyone was in tears, my counselor told me "Amy, you were my favorite student." At least, that's what I heard between sobs. lol.

i was so touched, i think i cried even harder. haha.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Sorry, it's been a really long while guys. It's just so hectic here because it's the last week and everybody's trying to spend as much time with eachother as possible. I'm going to be really sad to see these people go because i know i probably won't be able to visit any, except the ones in the states ( and chances are still slim for those).

oh yeah, congratulations ryan on the anniversary and love, etc. and bryan, it's ok to advertise movies. and wth is a spiderpig?

oh, even more exciting. i got a haircut and i got bangs because that's what the stylist recommended. i really liked it at first, but a couple hours later, i regreted it like no other. ugh.

i'm hoping they'll grow back before i come back. lol


i haven't started my summer reading. kill me now.

i miss you guys.
