Tuesday, May 29, 2007

First Day :]

Hehe, I just made my blog and it's actually like 11:51. So, it's not really daytime I guess lol.

I don't really know what I want to write either. I just kinda felt like making a blog. Hrm.

Well, first things first:

1. I'm asian.
2. I just finished watching Tokyo Juliet.
3. Wu Zun is my favorite male actor of all time :D
4. I want to meet Wu Zun fans so I have people I can talk to about him. :]
5. I'm in high school. ugh.
6. I can't wait for college.
7. Anime & manga are like the best things that people ever invented. Besides food.
8. I'm a pig.
9. I like vampire novels.
10. Soda is cool.